Advent Devotional 2024 | DAY 24. REVELATION 22:3
No more let sin and sorrows grow,
nor thorns infest the ground;
He comes to make His blessings flow
far as the curse is found.
Joy to the World (v. 3)
In Mongolia, we also sing one of the most well-known Christmas songs. “Joy to the World! The Lord is come: let earth receive her King; let every heart prepare him room ” This song is filled with joy and declares that joy to the world—earth, nature, trees, hills, plains, fields, peoples and nations—because the Lord has come to rule with love, truth and grace. The song speaks of a great joy or a reason to be joyful for both people and all of creation that have been waiting for their salvation and redemption.
When we see our surroundings, whether that is individual lives, families or societies as a whole, we see suffering, pain, illness, corruption and wickedness. In our country, we see the breakdown of families because of alcoholism, poverty and physical abuse. Many children are growing without either a father or mother in their lives. Politicians, judges and government officials abuse their power and position for their own benefit, and the interest of the country seems to be the last thing to be considered. Greed for money is destroying nature and the environment in our country. Mining is a big contributor to our economy, but concerns for the use of water in an area where there is already a scarcity of water and for the pre- serving of nature continue to be serious issues. Unfortunately, these future-looking issues are largely ignored or silenced for monetary gains today. When will we see restoration in our societies and the whole of creation?
The book of Revelation speaks of a day when “No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city” (Revelation 22:3). The root of all the problems and sufferings goes back to the first sin by Adam and Eve, when they listened to the voice of Satan instead of God. Genesis 3:17 records God’s words of judgment: “Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life.” Ever since people chose to ignore God and follow their own way, the whole creation has been subjected to a curse. All the evil and problems we see around us are the various forms and consequences of this curse. Yet Romans 8:19–21 speaks hopefully of creation’s eager longing for its release from this bondage.
When the Son of God was born as a human being among us, He declared the arrival of the kingdom of God. That marked the beginning of the end of suffering and the first occasion to declare joy to the world. Yet to come, when the throne of God and of the Lamb is among His people, the kingdom of God will be fully realized, and there will no longer be anything accursed because of human sin. That will be the day when joy will be declared again to God’s people and to God’s creation. Then the river of the water of life, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb, will bring fruit and healing to the nations. God’s people will be able to worship Him face to face, and they will be with Him forever and ever. What a time and eternity it will be! What a reason to declare the greatest joy to God’s people and His creation.
On the one hand, the celebration of Christmas reminds us of the first arrival of the Son of God in this world. On the other hand, it makes us look forward with great expectation and joy to the second arrival of the Son of God and the complete fulfilment of the kingdom of God. “He comes to make his blessings flow far as the curse is found.” One day, they will. That is our reason to be joyful and declare this joyous hope to all of God’s creation!

Dr Bayarjargal Garamtseren
Bayar is a Langham Scholar, a Langham-published author, a Langham-supported publisher and the Movement Coordinator for Langham Preaching in Mongolia. He also serves as the Mongolian Standard Version project manager for the Mongolian Union Bible Society. He and his wife, Yanjaa, have four children.