Advent Devotional 2024 | DAY 8. MICAH 5:2–5
O little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie;
above thy deep and dreamless sleep the silent stars go by;
yet in thy dark streets shineth the everlasting light;
the hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.
— O Little Town of Bethlehem (v. 1)
Bethlehem, a simple little town, surrounded by fertile fields for wheat and barley. The environment of hills with bushes and caves makes it a great place for sheep to graze, even if just a few kilometres away from the big city, Jerusalem. This quiet town encountered the everlasting light, as Christ was born there. Though quiet, it is a town with a long history. Naomi came from there, and Ruth lived there and became part of the ancestry of Jesus (Ruth 1:22). Samuel anointed David for his kingship there (1 Samuel 16:1, 11). Rightfully, this is the place where our king would be born, in the city of David. This ruler would be everlasting, though, unlike David, as the teachers of the law found in Micah 5:2–4 when King Herod asked them where this Messiah would be born (Matthew 2:5–6). This little town became the birthplace of the everlasting King and Shepherd, everlasting light shining in temporal darkness.
Is this not also true in so many lives of those we serve with Langham Preaching? In Welfareville, the biggest slum area in Manila, Philippines, in the darkness of nightly shootings, drugs and poverty, Christ shone His everlasting Light as people got to know Him through preaching. As He brought light to the little town of Bethlehem, He brings it still today to areas of darkness. He brings it through the faithful, relevant and clear messages of His trained servants. He not only shone in the dark streets of the little town of Bethlehem but still brings it through the hands, words and godly character of those who serve Him. He shines through us as we live out our convictions about Him.
As God once looked on the little young shepherd David, seeing the king he could be, today we still find God seeing beyond the outward appearance of status and money into the hearts of His faithful preachers in many remote, dark places in the world. One of our facilitators, a young high school graduate from a very remote place of spiritual darkness, came to me during a training we facilitated together with radiant light on his face. He shared excitedly, “You know that smart, English-speaking guy with the grey hair over there? He asked me to give him feedback on his outline, and I could help him see where to improve!” I will not forget the light in his face. It can only come from that everlasting light that shines in dark places today, including into the hearts of the many unexpected, unassuming facilitators Langham has.
That night that Christ was born in Bethlehem, both our hopes and our fears were met. A new reality, the incarnation of the light of the world, calmed our fears and gave birth to our hope. This gives us confidence to face all the darkness that is still before us, whether it be in sickness, relationships, war, lack of religious freedom, natural disasters or manmade ones. It helps us face the overwhelming demand of training preachers. Christ already came to shed His everlasting light on, in the midst of and through the darkness. Proclaiming that good news continues His light-bringing work. That is what gives us Christ- followers a different perseverance in times of hardship. May that light continue to shine in and through us.

Iljo de Keijzer
Iljo serves as the Movement Coordinator for Langham Preaching in the Philippines. Of Dutch descent, she has ministered in Southeast Asia for two decades. She is passionate about equipping grassroot-level church leaders