To the cross
Holy Week 2025
Day 3. Wednesday of Holy Week
Peter’s Denial (part 1) – Matthew 26:69–75
I’m sure that the Holy Spirit of God through his Word in [yesterday’s reflection] has touched your heart. And the question is, what will you do with that moving of the Spirit in your heart and conscience? Knowing, as we all do, that one way or another we have failed Jesus, in small things or in great things; we have disowned him and failed him again and again-perhaps even, for some of us, in ways that are profound and significant, in things of which we are deeply, deeply ashamed. Perhaps there are tears to be shed about that. But that's all right. You are not in the courtyard of the high priest. You are not being mocked. You are not on trial. You are in the presence of God and the Holy Spirit.
So bring whatever is on your heart and open it up to the Lord. He knows it anyway. He's known it all along. So don't hide it any more. And hear the question of Jesus: "Do you love me? Do you trust me?" Come back again to the cross and to the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ for his forgiveness. Because the John who told us that if we say that we have not sinned, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us-that same John says that if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just, will forgive our sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. That is the gospel promise. Come back to that and receive it and hear again that word of forgiveness from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Extract from:
(UK) Let the Gospels Preach the Gospel: Sermons Around the Cross, by Christopher JH Wright (Langham Preaching Resources, 2017)
(US) To the cross: proclaiming the gospel from the Upper Room to Calvary, by Christopher JH Wright (IVP, 2017)
We open our hearts to you Heavenly Father and pray that the Holy Spirit would touch our lives and consciences this Holy Week. Amen.