To the cross

Holy Week 2025

Day 4. Maundy Thursday

  • Insults and Paradise – Luke 23:26-43

What has Luke given us in his simple yet richly profound description of the crucifixion? Four scenes, three temptations, and two sayings-and through them all (especially the last two sayings), the one whole meaning of what we celebrate at Easter. The answer to Jesus' prayer for forgiveness was only possible through the death of Christ, and the fulfilment of Jesus' promise of eternal life was only possible through the resurrection of Christ.

It will take the rest of the New Testament to explore and explain both of those truths. But for the moment, what Luke has told us in this narrative is all we need to know for them to become a reality for us in our lives today and for our eternal future. Luke has shown us that through Jesus' death on the cross we can have the forgiveness that Jesus prayed for, and that through the resurrection of Christ we can have the future that Jesus promised. Make sure that you have both, for Christ’s sake.

Extract from:

(UK) Let the Gospels Preach the Gospel: Sermons Around the Cross, by Christopher JH Wright (Langham Preaching Resources, 2017)
(US) To the cross: proclaiming the gospel from the Upper Room to Calvary, by Christopher JH Wright (IVP, 2017)



Lord, thank you that through the resurrection of Jesus Christ we can have the future you promised us. Amen.