Langham trains Bible teachers in some of the most impoverished and under-resourced regions in the world thanks to the support of generous donors. Together, we’re equipping the church to live out its call to care for the orphan, the widow, the needy. Be encouraged by these glimpses of how you help God’s people to alleviate both spiritual and physical poverty around the world.
True Hope in Haiti

The root cause of poverty often lies in the lack of a biblical worldview. In a country like Haiti, people look to unseen spirits through voodoo to assist them rather than viewing themselves as having dominion. Human agency, dignity, and worth are undervalued and undermined in a culture that trusts in superstition and chance. When nearly 9 in 10 pastors are untrained to teach God’s Word clearly, churches are vulnerable to false teaching that steals hope. That’s why in 2017, Langham was invited to partner with local churches there to train pastors. Since then, 200 pastors have learned to study and preach the Scriptures. Pastor Guenson, who teaches at a Bible college and helps lead the training, says, “We would like to thank you for helping us change our preaching culture in Haiti. We believe not only our preaching will change, but also our social culture because we believe once we, all preachers in Haiti, begin to preach the Bible, change will happen at every level of our life.”
Rich in Christ in Myanmar

Even one biblical leader faithfully proclaiming God’s Word can inspire a ripple of impact. Myanmar’s Pastor Shwe* studied at a seminary but says it was at Langham’s pastor training seminars that he learned to teach the Bible and apply God’s Word to his context. Today, he leads his church to show Christ’s love within his impoverished community. Through hearing faithful sermons, Shwe’s church members, most of them poor, have become radically generous. Shwe explains, “Preaching on giving a tithe is difficult here. We do not have much to give. Because I was able to preach in a way that helped them apply the Word to their lives, they now tithe with what little they have.” The resulting generosity enabled the church to start a Sunday School program and a midweek evangelism outreach to their village. Praise God for this community sharing their riches in Christ!
Transforming Culture in Kenya

When the gospel came to Peter in his remote northern Kenyan village, he was deeply entrenched in witchcraft. He says, “We have a good culture, respect for elders, respect for mothers, but you will also find that most tribes in Kenya practice witchcraft, and that is why there is a lot of poverty. But because I was changed by the power of God’s Word, I know they will be changed too.” Peter has made it his life mission to bring the transforming love of Jesus to Kenya’s unreached tribes. Together with Langham, you are helping by partnering with Peter to train preachers who plant and lead churches. When people experience the love of Jesus, love for neighbor blossoms, sacrificial care for one another begins to flow, and the burdens of poverty start to lift. Peter says, “If a village has no church…there is no school, there is no education, there is nothing. It’s total darkness. That’s why it’s very important that they hear the Word.”
*Names have been changed to protect those serving in sensitive regions.