From poverty to preaching in Indonesia

Dr Dwi Maria Handayani is the Associate Director for Langham Preaching in Asia. It was through being a World Vision sponsored child in a poor Indonesian village that she grew in her faith. Her parents were the first generation in the whole family to be Christians. Dwi is a graduated Langham Scholar, gaining her PhD…

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Christians under renewed pressure in the Big Country

As Christian missionaries were expelled from the Big Country in the middle of last century, many feared that the Church would wither and die. How we rejoiced when an easing of pressure and opening of the country from the 1980s revealed an unprecedented explosion of growth, with a flourishing underground church movement. Now there are…

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The Japanese & Christianity

A rural Shinto shrine

In the middle of old habits Mr Big Bell, a Japanese man, wrote, ‘My family worshipped at the Buddhist family altar, prayed at the Shinto god-shelf. For New Year it was the Shinto shrine, for funerals it was the Buddhist temple. From a young age I was sat down and recited Buddhist scriptures that I…

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