Finding hidden treasure in Bolivia

Last month, 68 people gathered in Bolivia for a Langham Preaching event to discover the hidden treasures of the parables. The attendees included key people in the Preaching Clubs from six different cities across Bolivia. Preaching Clubs (or escuelitas) are small groups of preachers who meet regularly. These meetings take place throughout the year, between…

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Langham Preaching celebrates 10 years in Vanuatu

Earlier this year, following a week of Langham Preaching training, a special event was held to celebrate ten years of Langham Preaching in Vanuatu. This is a country made up of more than 80 islands in the South Pacific Ocean. Stephen Williams, Regional Coordinator for Langham Preaching in the South Pacific, said the festivities were…

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Establishing strong foundations in Mongolia

Pastors in Mongolia have a desire to serve God but lack training and have limited resources. In April this year, 30 pastors began Langham Preaching training with a hunger to know how to preach God’s Word well. This is the second cohort as 25 people have already completed three years of Langham training. Apart from…

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Preaching App translation work continues

Did you know that Langham Preaching is working in eight of the top 30 countries where it is most dangerous to be a Christian? (See Open Doors’ World Watchlist). The work of Preaching Movement coordinators in these countries is extremely difficult, especially as in many places their work must be kept ‘secret’ in order to…

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Equipping generations to preach faithfully in Botswana

Three members of the same family, along with a 74-year-old great grandmother, have completed all three levels of Langham Preaching training in Botswana. At the end of the week-long event in August this year, 15 people in total ‘graduated’ from the course. They are the first people in Botswana to have completed the three levels,…

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Staff Profile – Dahlia Fraser

As a child growing up in Jamaica, reading was Dahlia Fraser’s favourite pastime. Early mornings and after school she could often be found tucked away somewhere with a book. With her mom a teacher and her dad a pastor, books were readily available and she devoured all the usual children literature. In her home, Sunday…

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Pray for Langham friends in Indonesia

Over the weekend a devastating earthquake and tsunami hit Indonesia, killing at least 1,200 people. Langham Partnership has close links with Indonesia: we have twelve Langham Scholars from there; Langham Literature works with Christians in Indonesia to publish books in Indonesian; and there is a thriving Langham Preaching movement. We recently received this report from Hamdani…

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The Privilege of Preaching in Ethiopia

In his nearly 10 years as youth pastor at Mekanisa Kale Heywet Church, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Pastor Misgana has seen a thing or two about the power of God’s Word to transform. When he first started working with the youth, their knowledge of the Bible was not strong. So, he started a Bible a…

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Christians under renewed pressure in the Big Country

As Christian missionaries were expelled from the Big Country in the middle of last century, many feared that the Church would wither and die. How we rejoiced when an easing of pressure and opening of the country from the 1980s revealed an unprecedented explosion of growth, with a flourishing underground church movement. Now there are…

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Staff Spotlight: Mercy Ireri

Mercy Ireri

Meet Langham Preaching‘s East Africa coordinator Mercy Ireri, from Kenya. How did Jesus find you? “Mercy, you are old enough now to tell us your testimony,” Dad said to me one Saturday evening. I was 12 years of age. I stared at him, blankly. Deep within my heart, I knew I had never had a…

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