‘Challenging us to live out the gospel in Latin America’

Latin American Bible Commentary

Did you know that Latin America is the most unequal continent on the planet? The gap between rich and poor is enormous. Latin Americans face daily challenges of injustice, poverty and lack of education. The Church hasn’t escaped these challenges – many pastors have little or no access to good biblical resources, resulting in congregations…

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A story of growth in Latin America

Latin America Langham Preaching

Last year in 15 countries across Latin America, over 3,000 people have been trained through the Langham Preaching programme. Read on to see a glimpse of what this ministry looks like on the ground: In Latin America, before pastors attend training seminars, they are plugged into Langham Preaching Clubs (called “escuelitas” or “little schools”), where…

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Finding hidden treasure in Bolivia

Last month, 68 people gathered in Bolivia for a Langham Preaching event to discover the hidden treasures of the parables. The attendees included key people in the Preaching Clubs from six different cities across Bolivia. Preaching Clubs (or escuelitas) are small groups of preachers who meet regularly. These meetings take place throughout the year, between…

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Langham Preaching celebrates 15 years in Argentina

Around 100 people gathered in Córdoba, Argentina in April, for an “enriching” time celebrating 15 years of Langham Preaching in the country. Former Langham Preaching Director Jonathan Lamb and his wife Margaret were special guests at the event, which was led by Igor Améstegui (Director, Latin America) and Wilfredo Weigandt (Country Coordinator). Theologian René Padilla joined the celebrations…

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