Chris Jonah, Langham Preaching’s Movement Coordinator in Sierra Leone, shares his end of year report:

Attendees of Langham Preaching training in Sierra Leone last year engaging in group work.
“We praise God for the ministry of Langham Preaching in Sierra Leone. This report highlights how we sought to achieve our key objectives and some of the high points.
“Our drive to train Preachers Club leaders and revive dormant groups continues. Leaders from three regions were trained and two dormant clubs have restarted. We are yet to train leaders from one region and do refresher events in six more towns. We have also had some useful feedback from the use of the books we gave to pastors.
‘God is doing His work’
“At the end of one training event it was concerning that a few of the key leaders in that town did not show up for the entire training. But at the close of the last session on the last day, one of the key leaders showed up and he had genuine reasons to be absent. He was so sad that he could not take part.

Chris Jonah, Langham Preaching Movement Coordinator for Sierra Leone.
He explained how the Langham materials have helped him, in particular the way his preaching and teaching has changed. We sometimes wander whether our work is effective and if there is any real impact. Our discussions reassured us that though there are uncertainties God is doing His work.
“We have had a very difficult time in a particular region, we had made several visits. Some will make all the promises in the world about how they are going to get things going and after a few months it is just the same thing. We had tried repeatedly but to no avail. Looking through the list of those who did the initial training, we decided to call a few of them to check. We were amazed that a Pastor in a village was full of praise and testimony.
Helpful training

Chris Jonah led training in Njala, Sierra Leone in August last year. Here attendees are taking part in group work.
“He mentioned about how a few of them in the village have tried to come together to form a club. He started mentioning over the phone some of the principles taught and explained how helpful it has been.
It was clear that this was not just someone who wanted us to feel good but he was making use of the training materials. We are grateful to God.
In spite of all the difficulties and sometimes the lack of cooperation, the work of Langham Preaching is bearing fruit. May God help us to persevere because people need to be trained especially in the rural areas.
Our Regional Director visited this year, we had good discussions and it was an encouraging time. Some good suggestions came out of that meeting and we were challenged to keep going. Please pray for God’s strength and wisdom.
Previous stories on Langham Preaching in Sierra Leone:
‘God is in control of His work’ – Langham Preaching in Sierra Leone (July 2018)
Sierra Leone: Ebola still affecting Langham Preaching (January 2017)

Participants of Langham Preaching training in Sierra Leone in August last year.