Langham Preaching exists to develop preachers to preach in a way that is biblical, systematic and sustained. Preachers gather for seminars, with a clear curriculum and philosophy and then they scatter into preaching clubs. Just participating in a seminar is unlikely to transform a person’s preaching, but practicing regularly (in preaching clubs) and passing on what is learned (to local trainers) can transform a preaching ministry.

Eduardo Vega is the Langham Preaching coordinator in Ecuador and he was recently interviewed for a ‘Preaching Postcard’:
How did Jesus find you?
“I found myself alone in my room at the age of fifteen. My parents had just divorced. This was too great a burden for an insecure teenager who needed shelter in his home. I was even thinking thoughts about a way to end my life. In those terrible moments, I heard someone preaching on a Christian radio station (HCJB) and through that message, the Word of God reached into my anguished soul and brought me salvation. The power of biblical exposition freed me from death, quite literally. From that day until today, Jesus has never abandoned me.
What does serving Jesus look like for you in your role?

“I recently led a workshop on the importance of being faithful to the biblical text, specifically when preaching from the Epistles. I used group work and developed other activities to improve the learning of the participants in several escuelitas (preaching clubs) in my city. I believe that in being the best teacher I can be, I am humbly following the unbeatable example of the teacher of teachers. It is a great privilege and responsibility to serve the Lord in this way. I coordinate a small escuelita with a group in the church where we disciple and learn from one another.
What do you enjoy about working with Langham Preaching?
“To witness how pastors and leaders grow, little by little, in the exposition of the Word of God. I also enjoy working among several churches from different denominations and learning how we are one church, with different faces, serving in the kingdom of God. I love serving small churches in need of training in the provinces of Ecuador. I enjoy mentoring those in our escuelitas who have never preached but who now, with Langham’s help, are part of the preaching calendar of several churches in Quito.
Share a resource that has helped you in your preaching
“I loved a course on John’s writings that I studied online through the Biblical Seminary of Colombia. It helped me gain a much deeper understanding of the Gospel and the Letters of John, not only academically, but also spiritually. This inspired me a lot in my preaching.”
Langham Preaching Resources

One of the treasures in our ministry is Langham Preaching Resources (LPR) where we write and publish books for our preaching movements. About 20 titles are available and there are 25 different languages which have at least one LPR book available to them.
These books are used for training preachers, recognising the richness that each literary genre of the Bible brings to us. Preachers are encouraged to make use of the excellent books which Langham Literature publishes through Langham Preaching Resources.
Please pray
Pray for Eduardo in his work in Ecuador as he mentors and trains preachers and pastors.
Pray that Eduardo will continually be inspired by God in his teaching.
Pray for the impact on those who attend the preaching clubs in Ecuador and benefit from the various Preaching Resources available to them.