There are 7 Langham Preaching Clubs for young adults across Romania.
Teenagers often have a bad reputation as rebellious, disrespectful, lazy members of society – but that’s not the case for a group in Romania!
Last year, seven Langham Preaching Clubs for 15 to 25-year-olds began across the country, and these young adults each deliver talks once a month at youth meetings, prayer meetings and in village ministries.
Hunger for God
In March, the Preaching Club members met for Level 1 training in Oradea, northwest Romania, over three days. Langham Preaching’s coordinator in Romania, Daniel Oprean, led the training. He was thrilled to be involved:

Daniel Oprean, Langham Preaching’s coordinator for Romania.
“It was one of the greatest experiences that I ever had, to spend three days with them in the Word and to see their thirst and hunger for knowing God. Rejoice in the Lord together with us’.”
Daniel Oprean is a graduated Langham Scholar, who studied for his PhD at the University of Wales, through International Baptist Theological Seminary, Amsterdam.
Necessary Ministry
He enjoys working with Langham Preaching, because he feels that through it, he can fulfil his “calling to make disciples” and “contribute to the very necessary ministry of equipping ministers for effective biblical preaching.”

Preaching Club members gathered for training in March this year.
He adds: “Back in 1990 I became familiar with John Stott. I was very happy, as a Langham Scholar, to become part of a movement that facilitates the growth in maturity of the Romanian Evangelical churches, through the Word of God as it is explained and understood through preaching.”
Please pray for these youngsters in Romania, as they get to grips with expository preaching through Langham Preaching training. Pray for the future impact of these young Bible teachers!

Examples of group work at the Langham Preaching seminar.

An example of a sermon written by a 15-year-old.