Scholar says Tyndale House stay ‘very helpful’ for research

Langham Partnership has joined Tyndale House in Cambridge to secure a permanent ensuite study room exclusively for Langham Scholars. One student who has recently benefitted from staying at this world-renowned library is Joey Tan. “It’s a very good place to do research” Joey Tan, from Malaysia, is studying the topic of contextualised preaching at Spurgeon’s…

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“Blessed are the peace-makers”

Rula Mansour

Rula Mansour is a Palestinian Christian woman who lives in Israel, and a Langham Scholar. She shares her story, her research, and her future vision for peace. In 1948 at the age of 12 my father became a refugee in his own country. After losing their land and property in Tiberias during the nakba, they started…

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‘I was truly privileged to stay at Tyndale House’

Langham Scholar Oboletswe Matlhaope is studying for a PhD at North West University, South Africa, and is from Botswana. From September to December last year, Oboletswe stayed at Tyndale House, Cambridge, in Langham’s dedicated bed-sitting study room. He is so grateful for his time there, and has expressed his “deepest gratitude” for being able to study…

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Video: Tyndale House Study Room Thanksgiving

Last year, several Langham Scholars who are currently studying in the UK attended a thanksgiving at Tyndale House, Cambridge, for the permanent study room that is to be exclusively used by Langham Scholars. The study room is an ensuite bedroom with easy access to a world-class library and study facilities. During the visit, International Ministries…

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Author Spotlight – Yohanna Katanacho

Yohanna Katanacho

Langham Scholar, author and editor Yohanna Katanacho gives some background to his journey of faith and the story behind Praying Through the Psalms: I was born in Jerusalem, in June 1967, during the Arab–Israeli war known as the “Six-Day War”. My father risked his life to bring us home and despite the bomb that exploded next…

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Consecrated on a football pitch

Not every football pitch gets a crowd of 10,000 spectators. Nor does every bishop have 10,000 people singing at their consecration. But that was the scene on a Sunday in August last year, in the bustling town of Lira in central Uganda, when Langham Scholar Reverend Canon Doctor Alfred Olwa was consecrated as the new…

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A Scholar’s response to terrorist attacks in Burkina Faso

Langham Scholar Yacouba Sanon, who is from Burkina Faso in West Africa, reacts to recent events in his home country. 1) What has happened in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso recently? Three weeks ago, on March 2 2018, the headquarters of the Burkina Faso army staff and the French Embassy were attacked. Seven people were killed and more…

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Ermias Mamo – Author Spotlight

The Maturing Church by Ermias Mamo

Ermias Mamo – A Life Less Ordinary Ermias Guisha Mamo was born and raised in southern Ethiopia in a rural setting, the son of a farmer’s son. Ermias Mamo’s father, Mamo Guisha, spent his early adulthood as a village gang member who robbed people and persecuted and threatened early converts to Christianity in the community.…

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God’s Word in Heart Languages

Filipino Bible scholar Edgar Ebojo believes that when God’s Word is available in heart languages, it gives people an identity and can inspire transformation. “If God can speak their language, God can understand them. God can understand their sufferings. . . Passing translations of God’s Word to future generations gives hope.” In the Philippines, under…

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