Tackling illiteracy to bring the Gospel to Kenya

Mercy Ireri, Kenya

“You’re 12, you’re old enough to share your testimony of salvation” – my father said to me out of the blue one Saturday evening, to my astonishment, as I had little personal faith at the time. After that conversation, I realised that if I was going to take faith seriously and talk to people about…

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A story of growth in Latin America

Latin America Langham Preaching

Last year in 15 countries across Latin America, over 3,000 people have been trained through the Langham Preaching programme. Read on to see a glimpse of what this ministry looks like on the ground: In Latin America, before pastors attend training seminars, they are plugged into Langham Preaching Clubs (called “escuelitas” or “little schools”), where…

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New global Preaching Clubs resource celebrates John Stott

Langham Preaching has embarked on an exciting new project to provide a resource for Preaching Clubs around the world in celebration of John Stott’s centenary this year. The aim of the project is to translate John Stott’s seminal book ‘God’s Word for Today’s World’ into many languages, alongside providing a discussion guide written by the…

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‘God is in control of His work’ – Langham Preaching in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone Preaching event

Chris Jonah, Langham Preaching’s country coordinator in Sierra Leone, reported on a successful ‘refresher’ event there in May. This country has only recently recovered from the devastating Ebola epidemic, which stopped some of the Preaching Clubs that had been running in various places. But now, many of the groups have revived, and the work is…

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