Summer Appeal: Urgent tool for South Asia

In a world that has been turned upside down and inside out due to the pandemic, one of the areas that has been worst affected is India. A member of the International Council for Langham Partnership shared recently that in her area the Protestant cemetery (which accounts for only 4% of the population) was dealing with over…

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Transformational training for 87 pastors in Ghana

“This training will impact my life and ministry”… “The group work opened my eyes”… “My sermons will be properly prepared”… “I have been transformed by this training”. These are just some of the extremely positive comments made by those who attended in-person preaching training in Accra, Ghana last month. Langham partnered with ‘Global Evangelical Church’…

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The Stott Legacy: Gail and Jorge Atiencia

The Stott Legacy Podcast

Mark Meynell speaks to Gail and Jorge Atiencia in Episode 5 of The Stott Legacy podcast. (NB: poor sound quality from internet connection) Gail and Jorge Atiencia speak to Mark Meynell from Ecuador, Jorge’s home country, in this episode. Gail is originally from Canada, and the couple met while Jorge was training at Regent’s College…

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Stepping up to train others in the South Pacific

“At first, when Covid-19 struck, I thought it meant the suspension of Langham Preaching in the South Pacific”, writes Stephen Williams, Langham Preaching‘s Regional Coordinator for the South Pacific. “In a sense I was right: all training cancelled; a ‘line-up’ meeting in Tonga postponed and, in Australia, the second training of Aboriginal preachers stopped. It…

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First Japanese Langham Scholar returns to preach and teach

In October the first Langham Scholar from Japan, Kei Hiramatsu, graduated from Asbury Theological Seminary, US. Kei and his young family have now returned to Japan, where Kei is teaching at Central Bible College in Tokyo. He’s also pastoring a local church. Although a developed, wealthy country, Japan has very few Christians and even fewer…

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The results are in!

Last Autumn we invited you to complete a supporters’ survey. We were really encouraged by 434 people completing it online or the copy included in Transform. Thank you. There is a lot of data for us to use in the coming years, but we wanted to share what we are working on with information coming…

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